Alya Privacy Policy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam elementum fringilla quam, sit amet egestas arcu dapibus eget. Aenean ut ligula vitae odio commodo vestibulum. Praesent in justo quis magna auctor condimentum. Sed quis dapibus urna. Maecenas quis orci augue. Donec eget tortor pellentesque, venenatis augue in, viverra urna.

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Vestibulum ultrices risus est, in tempor mi viverra sit amet. Aliquam placerat imperdiet turpis, quis semper urna lacinia faucibus. Vestibulum ultrices neque massa, nec aliquet velit tempus quis. Sed porta aliquam risus. Duis id mattis tortor. Sed euismod velit leo, non vulputate diam semper a. Vivamus sed tempus felis. Suspendisse eleifend aliquam ante. Nulla malesuada consequat odio, sed iaculis est accumsan sit amet. Suspendisse ante felis, pretium eu nulla nec, vestibulum aliquet elit. Curabitur ut mauris non augue sagittis tincidunt a vitae orci. Proin purus velit, fringilla ut ornare ut, tempus at felis. Sed non augue eget mauris condimentum porta. Nunc luctus bibendum arcu, quis volutpat lacus faucibus a. Aenean sit amet nulla euismod mi convallis commodo. Maecenas arcu ipsum, blandit quis egestas eu, dignissim sed felis.

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  • Vestibulum ultrices risus est, in tempor mi viverra sit amet.
  • Aliquam placerat imperdiet turpis, quis semper urna lacinia faucibus.
  • Vestibulum ultrices neque massa, nec aliquet velit tempus quis. Sed porta aliquam risus.
  • Duis id mattis tortor. Sed euismod velit leo, non vulputate diam semper a.
  • Vivamus sed tempus felis. Suspendisse eleifend aliquam ante.

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Coming from a place of social isolation can greatly impact one’s emotional and cognitive health, and therefore it can be an anxious period of time constantly meeting new people who will be responsible for you or your loved one’s health and wellbeing. The last thing you would want is to finally find someone you trust only to never see them again and start the process from scratch. Once you have found a carer you can trust, this regular social contact can increase confidence, boost a person’s sense of independence and promote social interaction out and about amongst the community.

Care can be tailored to meet your specific needs

Everyone is unique in how and why they need care. A dedicated carer understands the history of your loved one and knows your likes/dislikes. A dedicated support worker will be familiar with you or your loved one’s unique mental and physical needs and can therefore offer the best possible care and tailored support.

Peace of mind for family and friends

Introducing care into someone’s life can seem daunting not only for them but also the family. Knowing that your loved one is being cared for by someone you have met many times before can be a source of reassurance for primary care givers and can reduce stress for the wider family. Families can have peace of mind knowing the caregiver is trustworthy, reliable, skilled and has personal interests which are similar to their loved one who requires some extra assistance.

Are you or someone you know looking for dedicated care in NSW, Victoria or Queensland? Then Like Family, an NDIS approved provider, may be the answer for you. Our Social Carers are fully vetted by our team, have a wide range of skills and are matched to our members based on location.